
- Domestic Violence - Tuesdays
- GED Classes - 2 Days per week
- NA Classes - Fridays
- MRT - Anger Management
- MRT - Mentor
- MRT - Moral Reconation Therapy
- MRT - Trauma for Men
- MRT - Trauma for Women
- Parenting
- Thinking For Good
- Portals - New Direction
- Untangling Relationships
- We have two state road crews that assist the State Highway Garage in mowing, liter pickup, and many other tasks.
- We have two county crews that do the mowing in the county parks and welcome center. They also pick up trash on the county roads along with many other jobs in the community.
4:30 TO 7:50
INITIALS: A-M 9:00 TO 3:20
INITIALS: N-Z 9:00 TO 3:20
Visitation Rules
1. Visits are 30 minutes unless the visitor can provide an out of state drivers license, then you may receive a double (60 minute) visit.
2. Visits are by appointment only. You must call and schedule at least 1 day prior to visitation.
3. You must be on time for your visit or you may not receive it.
4. Inmates may have only (2) visitors at a time.
5. Inmates may have (2) visits each week, cannot be the same visitor.
6. Inmates or visitors who cause a disturbance or display improper behavior may lose their visitation privileges for a period of time or permanently at the discretion of the jailer.
7. All visitors must be properly dressed. |
Sunday mornings, Wednesday evening, and Friday afternoon. |
Money may be mailed in the form of a U.S. Postal Money Order or money may be brought in person to the Detention Center and left in that person's name. Be sure to get a receipt from the deputy receiving the money. |
All necessary clothing will be provided by the jail.
No property may be dropped off without prior approval from the jailer. |
Monday and Thursday |
Combined Public - http://www.cpcjail.com |
Starting Monday, January 16th 2023, all mail will need to be sent to teh below addresses.
Mail not addressed as directed below will be rejected. |
Standard Non-Legal Friends and Family Mail Address: |
Mail from Lawyers or other Legal Representation: |
Inmate Name - Inmate ID
Jackson County Detention Center
PO Box 76550
Highland Heights, KY 41076 |
Inmate Name - Inmate ID
Jackson County Detention Center
1893 McCammon Ridge Road
McKee, KY 40447 |
Mail for: |
- Payments on inmate accounts
- Money Orders for commissary made out to the "Jackson County Detention Center" with (inmate name) wirtten on the memo line.
- Money Orders made out to the "Jackson County Detention Center" for MRT book payments (inmate name MRT Book) written on memo line
Mail to: |
Jackson County Detention Center
1893 McCammon Ridge Road
McKee, KY 40447 |
- All incoming mail must be addressed with the Inmate name and Inmate ID
- All incoming mail must have a return address on the envelope
- All incoming mail must be no larger than 8 1/2" x 11" (letter size), no smaller than 3 1/2" x 5" (post card size), no thicker than light card stock, and must be able to be fed through a sheet fed scanner.
- All incoming mail shall be opened and inspected or read to determine if contraband is enclosed or any violation of prison rules has occurred. If violations are found, mail will be destroyed and not returned.
- Prohibited Mail
- Stamps
- Blank envelops
- Stationary
- Cash, checks, money orders, or any other forms of currency
- Threats of physical harm against any person or threats/details of criminal activity
- Plans to smuggle contraband into or out of the institution
- Information to formulate escape plans, to commit a crime or to violate a prison rule
- Solicitation of gifts, goods, money, or things of value from individuals or entities other than family or established close friends
- Coide or gang insignia
- Obscene language or drawings
- Information that, if communicated, would create a threat to the security of the institution
- None of the following may be included or attahced:
- Address labels
- Stickers
- Homemade cards
- Musical cards
- Non-white envelopes or paper
- Paintings
- Tracing paper
- Pages from coloring books
- Drawings in colored ink, marker, crayon, or glitter
- Raised decoration
- Paint or the use of white out, glue, or any other liquid form
- Pictures are the only enclosures permitted to be mailed to inmates.
- Each inmate is allowed up to 6 photographs per package, but there MUST be printed on photo paper
- Printouts from the internet, colored pages, and provocative material (i) are not permitted and will be destroyed
- Provocative is generally defined as follows: "Causing annoyance, anger,or another strong reaction" or "arousing sexual desire or interest."
- Return to Sender Items
a.) Legal Mail |
b.) Certified mail requiring inmate signature |
c.) Mail with postage due |
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